Showers of Grace of Michigan
Showers of Grace of Michigan is a non-profit organization located in Detroit, MI serving Metro Detroit families for several years. Showers of Grace offers enrichment programming designed to support and stimulate youth by incorporating evidence-based youth development tools; striving to promote successful outcomes with program structures in healthy social adjustment, wellness, and academic enrichment.
Showers of Grace aims to assist low-income Metro Detroit children and their families to navigate the trauma and conflicts in social, cultural, and educational situations. These situations can negatively impact youth, leading them to make unhealthy and impulsive choices that could likely lead to an unsuccessful transition into adulthood. The primary goal is to increase access to resources and opportunities for at-risk youth and their families. Showers of Grace of Michigan provides options for youth to select alternative paths to greatness by offering guidance and direction in a healthy and stimulating environment. It structures programs for youth participants to learn valuable life skills and make healthier choices. This will prevent youth from facing collateral consequences and involvement in the juvenile justice system.
This non-profit has provided social and emotional support services for Detroit youth for several years. During this timeframe, they have supported young ladies/girls as they work through the trials and tribulations that they have encountered through its program Let’s Talk, Real Talk. This program impacted 18 girls over a span of 2 years by helping them through social and emotional barriers such as family trauma, school expulsion, and low self-esteem.
With a holistic approach, this organization aims to address the root causes that create behaviors in youth that statistically lead them to participate in the juvenile and adult justice system. This approach garners input from every facet of the youth's life, providing a perspective of how the youth engages in varying social, emotional, and academic settings. The established program utilizes real-life examples, critical thinking skills to expand the mindset, and alternative solutions to real-life challenges. Showers of Grace prioritizes assisting the whole person and the family they belong to and understand this is paramount to overall success.